Parents-Teachers Forum


All existing parents are automatically members of the School PTF.

The Parent–Teacher Forum (PTF) is a volunteer forum for:

  • Fostering good relations between parents and teachers.
  • Encouraging a spirit of cooperation and pride in the accomplishments of the School.
  • Assisting in organising special events and to help raise funds for the School.

The exact choice and focus of activities each year depends on the interests of the parents who choose to participate. An elected executive committee meets on a regular basis throughout the school year.


Electoral Procedures

The School will invite applications from member parents to take up posts on the Executive Committee of the PTF. The School reserves the right to vet all applications and to submit names to the Annual General Meeting for selection.


Officers of the PTF

  • Chairperson                   (Parent member)
  • Vice-Chairperson          (Parent member)
  • Secretary                        (Teacher member)
  • Assistant Secretary      (Teacher member)
  • Treasurer                       (Parent member)
  • Financial Secretary      (Teacher member)

In addition, a Class Representative from each year group can be appointed to serve on the Executive Committee.


  • The PTF is an advisory body.
  • The PTF shall not seek to interfere in the day to day running of the School.

The designing of all School policies is strictly the responsibility of the School Management.

Next PTF Meeting

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